Balance and Pace

Balance and Pace

Jill Bolte Taylor’s book My Stroke of Insight is a great resource for understanding how the right and left sides of our brain influence our behaviour and why it’s important to balance them.

Nipun Mehta in a 2012 University of Pennsylvania commencement speech illustrated this using the example of walking. “When one foot walks, the other rests.  Doing and being have to be in balance. Our rational mind wants to rightfully ensure progress, but our intuitive mind also needs space for the emergent, unknown and unplanned to arise.”

Balancing the need for tangible outcomes by valuing process requires us to slow down and check in whether we’re achieving other intangible outcomes as well – connecting, understanding, and empowering. Nipun Mehta advises – “A walking pace is the speed of community.  Where high speeds facilitate separation, a slower pace gifts us an opportunity to commune.”